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07/12/2015 - How to overcome obstacles: the subconscious
Some ideas were mentioned in a previous article about how we can overcome obstacles to make those life changes which let us enjoy good health. An obstacle that was not mentioned in this other article and which I would like to share in this one, is our subconscious.
Our beliefs, customs, and all automatic behaviors we learned mainly during our childhood reside in the subconscious. As Dr. Bruce Lipton explains in his book "Biology of Belief" and "The Honeymoon Effect", 95% of the time our subconscious is responsible for our behavior.
If you do not manage to follow a diet or make changes in your life you would like to, your subconscious may be boycotting you with ideas that are contrary to what you pursue consciously.
Below I will explain in more detail how the subconscious works and how we can overcome this obstacle.